What’s The Deal With ‘Sustainability’?

5 min readSep 9, 2023


Hey, you’re back! Ready for another round of eco-banter? 😄 Today, we’re tackling a term that’s as popular as cat videos on the internet — yes, I’m talking about “Sustainability.” 🌱.

The reason? Well, a recent article — “Stop Using the Word ‘Sustainability’ for God’s Sake” — questions the very premise that modern civilization can ever be sustainable. It paints a rather grim picture of our future, one where, no matter what we do, collapse is inevitable. A bit controversial, eh? (BTW — I responded to the article here.)

And while the analogy might sound grim, here’s the silver lining: humans are incredibly innovative. Throughout history, every time we’ve faced an obstacle, we’ve found a way around it. Remember when we thought the earth was flat? Look how that turned out!

While the article raises some valid points, it’s crucial to dissect its arguments for a more rounded perspective. In this article, I promise to take you on a journey — no, not to the apocalypse, but through the realities, myths, and potentials of sustainability.

So, If you’ve got 5 minutes (- or seconds if you’re skimming the big-font and comment parts), stick around, grab a (reusable) cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in! I promise this won’t take too long — just enough time to sip your way through that warm drink with a promise you’ll leave with a different perspective — without any hogwash, of course!

Let’s dive into it, but first, remember: always question everything, especially when it’s served with a side of humor. 🤔

Ready? Let’s dig in! 🌍

(if you want to read my point-for-point argument to the referenced article instead — click here)

So What Is ‘Sustainability’, Anyway?:

I know Sustainability is a term that gets thrown around like confetti at a New Year’s party. So let’s get the elephant out of the room and our basics right:

First things first, what even is sustainability?

At its core, sustainability is all about balance. Imagine riding a seesaw; you wouldn’t want one side touching the ground while the other is up in the air, right? It’s the same with sustainability — it aims for a balanced interaction between humans, the environment, and the economy. In simpler terms, it’s about using resources in a way that meets our needs without stealing from future generations.

In essence, it’s about meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

According to the article, sustainability means “an ability for something to go on unabated forever.” But wait, is that the whole story? Not really. Sustainability is a dynamic concept. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental factors, which is known as the Triple Bottom Line.

Starting to seem Sustainability is Not so simple, or is it?

Three Pillars, One Goal:

Think of sustainability as a stool with three legs: social, economic, and environmental. Remove one leg, and the whole thing topples over. Sustainable practices aim to stand sturdy on all three.

  1. Social: This pillar focuses on people and communities. Think equal opportunities, education, healthcare, and all that good stuff.
  2. Economic: This one’s about money, honey! It emphasizes creating jobs and fostering economic growth without burning through all our natural resources.
  3. Environmental: Ah, our favorite! This leg’s all about Mother Earth — conserving resources, reducing pollution, and protecting natural habitats.

It’s Not Just About Tree Hugging:

It’s Not Just About Tree Hugging: (Hello, Jared Leto)

Don’t get me wrong, trees are great! But sustainability isn’t just about being eco-friendly. It’s also about social justice, ethical business practices, and economic development.

It’s not just about recycling (although that’s cool) or planting trees (which is super cool). Sustainability is about making decisions that ensure a happy, healthy planet for our kids, grandkids, and even our grand-dogs 🐶.

Ever used a reusable water bottle? That’s sustainability in action! Or maybe you’ve heard companies talk about ‘going green’? Yep, that’s them trying to be more sustainable (or at least, we hope so!).

Baby steps, people! You don’t need to install solar panels on your roof or become vegan overnight (unless you want to, of course!). Even small actions like reducing waste or buying local can make a difference. As they say, many drops make an ocean.

The aim here is to create a world that’s resilient and can adapt to changes. Whether it’s climate change, social inequality, or economic challenges, sustainable practices are designed to withstand the test of time (and unpredictability).

In a nutshell, sustainability is like the golden rule but for the Earth: “Treat the planet as you want to be treated.” It’s about thinking long-term, making conscious choices, and ensuring our actions today don’t jeopardize the future.

Cheers to a brighter, greener future! 🌟🍃🥂


Feeling curious? Click here to read my point-for-point article rebuttal to the referenced article — “Why Ditching ‘Sustainability’ Is Not the Answer.”

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Aspires to be at the forefront of the Singularity, witnessing the evolution of human-machine hybrids and their inevitable domination of the universe.